Monday, September 6, 2010

Mondo Beyondo List

In an attempt to fight my feelings of becoming stagnant, I wrote down my Mondo Beyondo list the other day in hopes that writing it down will bring me one step closer to accomplishing something:

  • Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
  • Build or renovate a house
  • Become mostly fluent in another language
  • Visit every continent
  • Explore as many countries as possible
  • Sell a piece of artwork
  • Heal someone
  • Become a mother
Sure enough, when talking to M. about how I felt like I was stagnating, and that we were becoming a boring couple, he suggested we learn a foreign language together. Of course, we both want to learn completely different languages, his all involving learning a language with a different alphabet (which, from past experience, I do not do well with...let's just say it involves throwing books across the room in frustration when attempting to learn Greek). So we've tentatively decided to learn French. (southern France for our honeymoon perhaps?!?)

So what's your list? If you could do anything with your life, no limitations, what would it be?

1 comment:

  1. I like this. I think the idea of learning a language together is great. It would be so fun and really build your relationship as a couple. I have to say though, I agree with you about Greek. I tend to do well at picking up languages, but my Greek class had me pulling my hair out.
    My Mondo Beyondo List:
    1. Become fluent in Spanish
    2. Marry the right person
    3. Be a mom
    4. Publish a novel
    5. Buy a house
    6. Get involved in an organization that changes peoples' lives
    7. Show God's love daily

    That's all I can think of for now.
